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2016 - The Student Teacher Exchange Program has been cancelled for 2016 due to circumstances outside our control.  We are working with our local high schools and schools in Billericay to formulate a new exchange program for 2017.  We will keep school officials updated as the process unfolds.


Every year Sister Cities Association of Fishers Indiana sends four students and two teachers to Billericay, England as part of a one week exchange program between our two communities.  Billericay historically sends there exchange team to Fishers the last week of September so they can participate in the annual Fishers Renaissance Faire (our fundraiser).  Our students typically travel to Billericay the first or second week of July (Billericay schools are still in session).  Each student and teacher will be matched to a student and teacher, respectively, host family in Billericay who will provide them a place to stay, local transportation, and other accommodations.  While in Billericay the STEP team will spend one day at both high schools, one day touring Billericay, one day touring London, and the two weekend days are reserved for host family choice (often they visit London a second time).  The inbound trip in October follows the same itinerary with the inbound STEP team visiting both of our high schools, touring fishers one day, touring Indianapolis one day, and the weekend time is reserved for host family choice.


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